September 15, 2021 10:17 PM Heaven’s Shofar
Word Received on 9-15-2021 @ 1:17am-1:36am
SOON…VERY SOON…In the twinkling of an eye…ALL WILL CHANGE!! ALL WILL BEGIN!! There will be no turning back once all has begun! Are you ready??? Are you REALLY ready??? Careful what you wish for…this will be bittersweet for many!
Prepare yourselves and cut your final ties with this world that has nothing for you. DO NOT LOOK BACK AS LOT’S WIFE! All eyes should be looking forward now and focused ONLY ON ME!
I know you are weary, Beloved, but it won’t be much longer now, I PROMISE!!
Soon…Very Soon…we will be together and NOT A THING will be able to stop my end-time plan which is nothing short of perfection!! My plan is PERFECT…TRUST IT…TRUST ME!!
I love you, Beloved, abide in Me
It won’t be much longer…I PROMISE!!