
Hi Everybody,
Ya know, it’s easier to “say” those words, than it is to actually walk them out. But in this time, these Last moments in history, if there has ever been a time to stop yourself from believing the lies of the enemy, it is RIGHT NOW!
The following teaching is something that The Lord has revealed to us over the last few years…but He has been preparing me for the full understanding of it for over 7 years now. And He revealed to us that even most of the twelve disciples had a hard time “fully” grasping this POWERFUL hidden Truth. It's something that the Lord allowed to stay hidden for 2000 years. For the sake of, not only, allowing time for Bible prophecy to unfold, but also to allow man to have time to really get to know Him and have a real relationship with Him. To receive His Grace and Mercy and everything He did on the cross to set us free from sin…and of course to read and learn the instructions in the New Testament, and walk out our salvation. The Lord knew that this was enough in and of itself to help His growing church make it to these last days. The Lord knew that there would be many mistakes made, many misinterpretations, and lots of man’s understanding that would prevent most from fully grasping everything Jesus did for them. And so He allowed these truths to be buried and hidden until your time is this.
Like I was saying, over the last probably 8 years, The Lord has brought me through a journey to understanding the FULL TRUTH of what He REALLY did on that cross for us. We have all been brainwashed to believe LIES…beyond belief…since the day of our conception. Not only us, but every generation…YES…even since The Cross!!
Now before I even get into this, I'm going to make this crystal clear. If anyone that is hearing or reading this has taken the first shot of the CV vax…in case you’re new to this channel, and you haven’t heard us say this hundreds of times in the past 5 years…the first shot of the CV vax IS INDEED the mark of the beast. Anyone who took it is no longer human, they are A.I. Nephilim hybrids, and they are no longer recognized by God as His creation. So nothing I am about to say has anything to do with anyone marked, whatsoever. They made the wrong choice, and now they're going to have to live with the consequences. Ok..so movin right along….
So now…let's get into it. Let's start with a few scriptures. Now there were many times when Jesus was teaching that He would speak in parables, and symbolism, and stayed very basic and simple for those who he knew would not understand. But I can tell you this, there were some times in Scripture that Jesus FLAT OUT…told it like it was, not mincing word. No parable…just spoke the Truth. And the book of John chapter 21, was no exception. Specifically talking about verses 20 through 24. In these chapters, the Lord is sitting and eating breakfast with his disciples, Well it was about this time, in earlier verses, 18 and 19, the Lord decides that He's going to share with Peter how Peter will eventually die. And it's a pretty tough story! It basically describes a death where he's going to give up his life for Jesus. A true honor YES!! But not really a story that’s easy to hear, don’t ya think? So at that point, by the time verse 20 comes, and Peter is paying close attention to something specific. He's looking over and seeing how John is probably reclined right next to Jesus, leaning on Him, listening to every word He speaks, and just loving on Him. And Peter knows very well that John is Jesus’ beloved disciple. Now of course we know that doesn't mean Jesus loved Peter any less, but it was just one of those moments that Peter was taking notice of it. So, kind of looking to move the attention over to John, in verse 20, Peter looks over to the Lord and says “But Lord, what about this man?” So obviously, there might be a little hint of jealousy, and Peter's kinda feelin like there’s a bit of favoritism there, so the thinking behind that statement was something like…“is John gonna have to go thru something like that too?? He's your beloved disciple, are you going to allow something to happen to him?” No…I don't know that Peter had bitterness or anything about it, it was more like an observation, because what Jesus told Peter was some pretty heavy stuff you know? Now little did Peter know, but all the disciples except for John ended up giving their lives for Jesus Christ and dying as martyrs for God’s glory.
So the Lord heard Peter's words, and He answers him, in verse 21, with some quite direct words of truth. Jesus said right back to him in regard to John, “If I Will that he (John) remain (stay alive) till I come, what's that to you? You follow ME.” So basically, the Lord laid it right on the line, And Jesus even adds a few words that are basically saying, “Hey, you know what Peter, you're here to follow ME, right? Well then you need to do what I tell YOU to do, and don't worry about anybody else.” Jesus made sure Peter understood that it is HIS Prerogative to have a Plan for each person's life, and it has nothing to do with Peter or anyone else. And whatever God’s Will is…as long as the person follows God’s Will and not their own, then God’s Will - WILL be done, no matter how anyone else feels about it. Now that's the first layer of understanding to what Jesus said, but there's a much deeper meaning to those words. So I’m sure you noticed that I put a couple things in parentheses to give you a much fuller understanding of what Jesus was really saying there. There is some debate as to whether there was a deeper meaning to what Jesus said in verse 21, but when you research that scripture with the Holy Spirit, you look up the meaning of those words in strongs concordance, and you seek the Lord for His insight and revelation understanding, He will help you realize the truth of that statement. That is exactly how our team family got the revelation understanding of that scripture. And the Lord fully confirmed to us, multiple times, that what I put in those parenthesis is exactly what that scripture means. Jesus was telling Peter that he had plans for John to STAY ALIVE, in his physical body, for the next 2000 years until His Return. (Now, of course they didn't know that it was going to be 2000 years of waiting, they all thought he was coming right back while they were all still alive.)
There's one other scripture that I need to bring up as well.
Matthew 16: 27 For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done. 28 Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Another really heavy statement from Jesus, isn't it!? Again, he is proclaiming that some who were alive in the days that he walks the earth 2000 years ago, will stay alive for 2000 years until his return! Now there are people out there in deceived church land that simply refused to believe that that's what that scripture means, and they'll tell you all kinds of different false interpretations of that scripture. But it all comes down to the fact that they just don’t want to go out of their own understanding, because that means that they're false paradigm of man’s understanding, will begin to fall apart. And because they're afraid to break out of the “false comfort and security” of that false paradigm, the spirit of fear keeps them bound in that deception. But praise Jesus! This is why the Lord has His Plan for The Harvest, and He is sending in His Firstfruits to help them wake up, face the truth and get the heart healing they need, so they can be sanctified and ready when He comes! Glory to God!
It may feel like I was on a bit of a rabbit track by sharing those scriptures in regard to us not believing the lies, but you need to understand that knowing and walking in the truth of those scriptures is such a HUGE key to really starting to step out and say NO to those lies and yes to His Truth! When each child of God finally comes to a point where he's ready to break out of the deception, and stand in the truth, that it was TRUTH that John and this group of people stayed alive for 2000 years, they begin to see a much BIGGER picture. First, that there had to be a scriptural reason that they stayed alive, and THE BIGGEST part…if this truth is for one child of God, it’s good for ALL children of God!! So how? How is it possible that they lived for 2000 years in physical bodies? When the Lord brings you to the answer, that you simply stop believing lies, and you choose to stand in the truth, the truth of exactly what Jesus truly did on that cross, you will then begin to walk in his victory over the lies!!
Now we need to discuss briefly why…. What is the scriptural backup to understand that the Lord kept John and that group of people alive for the last 2000 years?
Hebrews 2:14 Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.
Hosea: “I will ransom them from the [i]power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. O Death, [k]I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction! Pity is hidden from My eyes.”
Eph 4:8 Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men.” 9 Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things."
1 Corinthian 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
Revelation 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
So these scriptures are pretty clear guys! The thing is, it depends what “glasses” you’re wearing to read them! Are you reading them from the viewpoint of what you learned from your parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, doctors, nurses, medical journals, and your on line searches about ever disease and disorder out there? OR are you reading those scriptures with a completely open heart to learn WHATEVER TRUTH that The Lord wants to teach you, even if it goes against EVERYTHING you ever understood throughout your entire life??
Ya know, when we get new revelations and teachings from The Lord through His Rhema Word in our hearts, as we walk with Him daily…and as He proves His revelatory Words in real time as we walk with Him…what we need is that these things LINE UP with The Word of God. It doesn’t ever “have” to “narrate” scripture “word for word” EXACTLY what He taught us. Holy Spirit works WITH The Word, along side Him and His Truth. So The Holy Spirit COMPLIMENTS The Word, and gives us a more IN DEPTH understanding on what the words on the physical page actually MEAN. THIS is why we can never EVER read The Bible, His Written Word, like we’re reading any old book! We absolutely MUST read it with a completely open and prayerful heart, along WITH The Holy Spirit, so He can lead, guide, and teach you what the words actually mean as you’re reading them. And when we read The Word of God this way, we find layers, and layers, and LAYERS of different, deeper meanings of the same scripture! That’s our miraculous & AMAZING God!! HALLEUJAH!!!
The Lord really wanted me to build this foundation of teaching before he wanted me to jump in and teach you what he has revealed to us. Like I said, this is about as outside the box as it gets.
Now there are a few other scriptures that I’m led to share below that you will use on a regular daily basis to help you overcome and stop believing the lies of the enemy….
James 4: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Psalm 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. 8 Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and (absolutely) NOTHING BY ANY MEANS SHALL HARM YOU (in any way).
Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
1 John 4: 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
2 Corinthians 10: 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ;
And that is just a few guys. There are SO many more!
Now we will get into the meat of what the Lord wanted me to reveal to you all today. Keep in mind, he has had me release pieces of this over the last few years, but it hasn't been the appointed time to sit down and present this in a much more direct comprehensive way, with complete scriptural backup. But NOW….now IS the appointed time.
Believing lies…let me just say, this is a whole lot more than just a lie that Sally whispered into Janie's ear in fourth grade. We're gonna go all the way back. Let's start with the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3, verse 1. “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ” 4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So with all the manipulation, and persuasion that the enemy was using, what do you think this all boils down to? It looks to me like it all boils down to the fact that Satan simply wanted to get eve to BELIEVE A LIE.
John 8: 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.
Satan is the polar opposite of God. So, because God = Truth, then of course Satan = lies. It’s that simple. Lying has been the primary foundation of satan's plan since the garden. Bottom line, that is all he's ever done. Now satan has painted lying in many different ways. Made it look like “medical miracles”, witchcraft, sexual immorality, sinful pride, and all kinds of ungodly things. The problem is, he does that “pretty painting” in lots of alluring colors!! He uses manipulation and persuasion to make those lies look incredibly tempting! Remember that originally, it was Satan himself who believed his own lie that he could be like God, that built up his pride to be so delusional, that he really thought he could! And remember, he convinced many, many angels to agree to follow him, and they lost paradise forever. So those lies had to be pretty convincing, didn't they? That's because, like I said, the lies are the primary foundation of satan and his plan.
The Lord is going to, first, have me address, in particular, the medical lies. Now, above, when I listed, “medical miracles” first, and then I called it “ungodly, I know many of felt a wave of fear or anger. Some may have said, “Now wait a minute! If it wasn’f for God putting those doctors in front of me, I wouldn’t be here today!” And some of you may have wanted to simply close that Internet window, and walk away, dismissing this is as a completely heretic and false teaching. Sadly, all of that deception is how deep the brainwashing and mind control really goes. The medical lies, as I have explained in our “Lies of The Medical Field” series, goes back about 2500 years, to the time of Hippocrates, and if you really want to go all the way back, the first traces of it came from the fallen angels, and the Nephilim bloodlines of Greece and old Atlantis.
Throughout history, from the time of Adam and Eve up until Jesus died on the cross, there definitely were diseases, disorders, and things that people dealt with healthwise. But of course the root of all that goes back to the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Yes, the Father forgave them right away, because He himself performed the first animal blood sacrifice and put the animal skins over Adam and Eve, which symbolized God forgiving them. However they had to live out the consequences of that sin. And of course scripture tells us the consequences of that sin were that Adam & Eve became mortal human beings, had to leave the garden, and by the sweat of their brow they had to live off the land. It was at this time that the diseases, disorders, and health issues we're introduced through that sin.
Then of course 2000 years ago, Jesus came on the scene, the son of God, and He loved his creation so much, that he chose to allow himself to be crucified, die, and be buried, so that he could rise from the dead, go to the right hand of the father, and be in glory forever, so that all of his children can join him and be with him forever! Glory to God! Now Animal blood sacrifice was needed in the Old Testament because Jesus hadn't come to die for us on the cross yet, the only way anyone could be forgiven of their sin was to have a Hebrew priest perform an animal blood sacrifice as it was laid out in God's law in the Old Testament. But of course when Jesus came, and shed his blood for us, that changed all that.
Now see, satan knows all of this. He knows that he pulled one over on Eve, and subsequently Adam of course, and so he felt that he won the upper hand over humanity. He figured out that he could fool them...quite easily I must add. And boy oh boy, he was all too happy to take full advantage of that, because he has always had quite a Huge root of bitterness and anger with God because of his past, present, and future penalty for everything that he has done against God. So the enemy is just itching to do everything he - so delusionally - thinks he needs to do to win.
So this brings us to the modern day. And we can even look back 100 years. The level of pure evil, putrid sexual perversion, lying, cheating, stealing, fake Christianity, mind control, manipulation, and every other disgusting sinful sick and twisted sin that's out there is beyond comprehension at this point. We are living in unprecedented times, that have never been seen, even all the way back to the days of Noah. Why do you think Jesus compared these days to the days of Noah? Because only the days of the giants…the fallen angels and the Nephilim that covered the earth…even come close in comparison to how absolutely purely evil this time really is. Again, satan's lying, manipulation, persuasion, And distractions galore, brainwashed this generation in so many ways, they actually don't even notice how completely disgustingly evil everything is around us right now.
So getting right down to it, let's make a list of some examples of how the dirtbag enemy Satan is lying to everyone in these days…
#1 – Satan knows he has found throughout history, that his easiest target is the physical body. So…he takes full advantage of his lying medical field. The enemy lies and makes people believe that God uses doctors to perform his miracles, and save people. Many people cannot even fathom that I'm about to say this, but guys I'm telling you right now that is a lie straight from the pit of hell. GOD DOES NOT NEED HELP FROM DOCTORS, NURSES, OR MEDICAL SCIENTISTS WHO WERE TAUGHT LIES FROM THE ENEMY to do ANYTHING! Man just forgot to TRUST GOD. It's as simple as that. The enemy distracted man with the medical field in so many ways, that it became part of who they are. Man out there in general can't even imagine the world without the medical field. “What in the world would I DO without my doctor!?” they'll say. “But I have to have my medication or I’ll die!” The lies are so indoctrinated into every aspect of society, and the minds of the masses out there, that if you even suggest that the medical field is a bunch of garbage, the attack that you will get in return it's not a pretty sight! Satan lies in many, many ways through the medical lies. Here is the basic process so you have it for your own knowledge, and to know how to fight the enemy's lies. The enemy we'll begin with a lying whisper. Now the enemy knows that he cannot read your mind, only God knows what you're thinking, however, he does know when you are giving off a particular frequency. And let me tell you, they watched the frequencies coming off of our mind like hawks! They know exactly when you are thinking on and entertaining lies. And the minute a person entertains a lie, the enemy sees the frequency from entertaining that lie, so he begins to whisper even more. And when he sees continued entertaining of that lie, he might cause a little twinge. And then he'll start whispering again. Getting the person to wonder what that twinge could be. And the more they wonder, the more mustard seed faith they are applying (wrongly) to the lie. And once the person begins to misapply their mustard seed faith to the lie, the enemy then has legal right to cause the person to think that they actually feel a physical manifestation of that lie. So once the person feels the manifestation of that lie, what do you think the next step is? Yep! Trip to the doctor! And now they're gonna talk to the doctor who spent years and years learning about lies, based on lies, based on lies, based on lies. And to add insult to injury, they say that doctors have a practice, which of course means they are “practicing”. The title of doctor or nurse within the medical field, is the ultimate deceptive, evil and twisted lie from the pit of hell. And so many who believe they are Holy Spirit filled children of God have been totally received into becoming doctors and nurses, or any position within the lying medical field. So the infiltration into today's churches is simply beyond comprehension. The enemy's lies are peppered in everywhere. Why does everybody think it was so easy for Satan to fool everybody into taking the mark of the beast, the first shot of the CV vax? Satan had already laid all the groundwork for the full and complete infiltration of the church, all he had to do was activate all those lies! And the majority fell for it hook, line, and sinker!
So the medical field is not the only lie and deception the enemy uses, but boy oh boy, it's definitely on the top of his list. However he definitely will take advantage of whatever lie works in each particular situation. Let's take the satanic witchcraft book and movie series…Harry Potter. Complete and total lies and deception of witchcraft and satanism that's out there, and how many parents in the last 20 years have allowed their children to read all those books and watch all those movies!? It is beyond sad how many have been in, and still are in deception about this evil series. I'll bet many of you listening to this who have watched those movies or read those books have no idea that every time they were read or watched, multiple demonic spirits were invited in. Ohh yes even if you are a true practicing unmarked Christian! That is literally opening your front door wide open to the enemy. And you will need heart healing and deliverance to get rid of all that spiritual garbage.
And one of the other spirits that Satan likes to utilize, would be his spirit of intimidation in these last days. Especially with the Antichrist spirit that's everywhere. Intimidation is one of his biggest tools. Just saying those 3 initials of all those agencies, including, let's just start with the IRS! It is beyond comprehension Lies, deceit, and twisted manipulation has worked behind those initials, especially in the last 5 or 6 generations! And then with the introduction of AI, all of the news articles about how… you better be careful what you're saying here, or typing there, or emailing this one... because Big Brother, AI, is watching everything! And who's watching the AI? The Antichrist and all of his little army workers. And specifically, there are a few players in the immediate top names that are being mentioned in the news at this time, manipulating the masses to think that they are doing great things! And “riding this country of all these terrible underhanded secret fraudulent practices” that have been happening right under everyone's noses. Making it look like these “top people are doing these wonderful things to make this country a better place to live”! (*raises one eyebrow REALLY high) Haven't you all learned yet? Haven't you all learned the enemies manipulations and lies? After all this time? You guys haven't figured out what a good liar the dirtbag enemy is? Remember that he paints himself reeeeally pretty! He wants you to think he's “just cares about the people and their welfare”! I mean are you KIDDING me right now guys!!?? HELLO!!! Satan comes as an ANGEL OF LIGHT! Let me tell you, when you start to find out THE TRUTH, boy oh boy these “top guys” is nothing but dark, evil, WICKED men, CHOSOING to work for satan himself!! Ya better wake up and smell the coffee folks. Because the Antichrist is about to take his place, and if you're not careful…remember what scripture says…he will deceive, if possible, EVEN THE ELECT!!!
So these are just a few, very very very few examples of the lies of the enemy that are out right now. But let me tell you, don't be putting this all in a box, and only thinking he's only going to lie in certain ways. Satan and his little army of dirtbags are gonna use every and any tools that they have in their little tool packages to lie to you in every possible way that they can, to deceive you, steal your crown, and pull you into perdition. So it's time to wake up, get off the couch, and START PAYING ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!! Look around you! We're losing count on how many Bible prophecies are unfolding at this very moment! The Antichrist, the new world order, the 10 kingdoms, the 10 kings are being set up at this moment faster than you can wink your eye!! It's all happening right under your nose, and TOO MANY of you are not even paying attention!!!!! THIS IS IT!!! WE ARE HERE – RIGHT NOW!!!!