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Writer: Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!

Updated: Oct 29, 2024




Hello everyone!


For anyone who has followed us for any length of time, I'm sure you’ve noticed, in these last moments before Jesus calls His first fruits (explained below), The Lord has has us in a much quieter place relating to livestreams and videos. He had led us to do some very specific teaching videos in the last couple of months, which, as with this post and video, they are mainly for those in the multitude who will be here during the worst of the tribulation hours. There will be a lot of very frightened and angry, unmarked, true children of God out there who are not going to understand why they've been left to endure the worst of God's judgments.

So everything I'm about to share is for those who find this (and/or the video that goes with it) once the Firstfruits 288,000 has been taken in the first wave, and the Greatest of God's Judgements have begun. Many of you are absolutely devistated that things did not unfold as you've been taught all your lives. You are on your knees in tears wondering how in the world you're still could you have missed the rapture??


I'm going to start by using a term that's fairly well known out there, and that term is “churchland". Some of you may not be sure what that term means. It is, very simply, the "worldy church"...or "man's church with man's understanding" - which is really the majority of the true body of Christ. These churchland churches are not discerning, listening to the voice of The Lord, and they most definitely are not going by God's wisdom and understanding. Many of you are part of specific denominations within the church, but the shepherds in most of these churches have been disobedient...teaching their sheep misinterpretations, false teachings, and wrong understandings. Most local churches, along with many, many youtube channels out there, these false shepherds have taught doctrines of devils, out of the mistaken, undiscerned guidance of the enemy instead of by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Much of churchland, has just regurgitated lies and deceptive doctrines and understandings about the end times that simply are just not true, or they are misinterpreted, misunderstood and twisted “man’s” understandings of scripture.


So for those in the multitude church, before I get into explaining why you are still here, and have not been raptured as of yet, I'm going to share some words from the Lord that he gave to a brother on a channel on YouTube (but as always, we are very rarely led to share anyone's channel)...


So here are the beautiful Words in what Our Lord Jesus calls His “Love Letter” to His true children, specially within the great multitude that will have to stay behind in the Tribulation for further refining...and so...He shares His Heart....


“My children, this will be a time of great sorrow, many of you will realize or have already realized that you've missed it (The First Wave of Glory, as The Lord revealed to us over the past 5 years). But you all, along with all of mankind, have also seen or will soon see My undeniable sign in the heavens. Some will not be able to breathe, some hearts will stop beating for a moment, due to the enormity of this sign in the sky. Keep your eyes on me and I will be able to hold you up. Every eye shall see and understand…every heart shall be pierced that fell asleep or denied Me.

Confusion and bewilderment will begin to take hold, and the conviction that they were not prepared as a bride, worthy of the Bridegroom. Oh the sorrow of My children will be great, they will cry out, “Why Lord, why was I not taken?”  And they will shout, “It was true all along, and I didn’t believe!” Understand, this time will be the greatest Harvest for men…a Harvest like no other in history. My children, I love you, I will protect you, even now, if you will trust Me. My true heart for you is as a mother holding her baby in her arms, safe and comfortable…because that's Who I am.

I am your Safe Haven My children, your Refuge and Fortress, if you will trust Me. I will not leave you, nor forsake you, I will not leave you alone, if you will choose Me. I did not want this for you, I did not want you to be left here, and I will not leave you alone. Even now, I have prepared provisions for you, and I am sending my end time army to help protect you, for I am God, and I will never leave you in your hour of need. No, no I tell you the truth, I will not leave you alone. I love you, I created you, I breathed life into you, I never left you, and I want you to be with Me. I will wipe away every tear from your eyes and you will have no more pain and sorrow. I will do whatever I need to do to feed My sheep. I will do whatever I need to do to take care of my lambs. For I love you. I am the ‘Great I am’ and there is no one like Me. I will not deny you, if you repent and come to Me My children. You must trust Me completely, and you will be safe.


Seek Me, and I will lead you to safety. I have left a remnant for you to care for your needs My beloved children. Do not dive back into the world, for you will have many opportunities to advance quickly in different positions or roles for higher status, in relation to receiving more money and things of this world. This is because of all the vacancies that will be opening up all over the world. You must resist this as it is only temporary because the Antichrist will waste no time rushing in to set up and implement his beast system, and use that technology to stand as the false savior of mankind. He will deceive many. Do not take the mark! Which is the first shot of the CV vax!


I have not left you alone. My warriors of light will be with you to help you and guide you. Ask them, or call out to Me in your distress and I will send help. You will recognize My warriors of Light by their presence. They will be fearless defenders of the Truth and they will be My protectors. They will declare My Glory and preach My Gospel. I am your only way out of this storm. Oh sweet child of Mine, I didn't want this for you. It was in My heart that I should take you, but you strayed from Me. I tried to correct you and convict you of your willful sin, but you selectively ignored Me. Oh how painful it was for Me to see you set off into the wilderness. My heart is broken even now, many times I tried My sons and daughters, but the cares of this world drowned me out. You fell asleep, your lamps were not lit for Me, and so…I came…and you were not prepared. I still love you, and I have made a way for you. Persevere to the end. I am waiting for you with open arms, endure until your last breath, and you will be where I am…in the place that I have prepared for you. I am waiting. Remember My doves, I am coming soon.”

So as you can see, the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to know that He loves His true children very much. And The Lord wants you to take time and examine your hearts before Him. Seek out heart healing and deliverance, seek out His warriors of Light for ministry...but you can always go to The Lord directly. Always stay in a constant state of openness to The Lord, allowing Him to create in you clean heart and a right spirit within you, allowing Him to circumcise your heart.

Churchland has never taught this truth...that every true believer must be fully sanctified before they can skip death and go outside of time to be with Jesus. And salvation through Jesus Christ and His Blood is, of course absolutely necessary for "sanctification unto salvation", but I am referring to "sanctification unto skipping death and going straight outside of time to be with Jesus. This is for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. We are in an UNPRECEDENTED time in history, And we must be prepared! In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, it tells us that Paul prayed that “their whole spirit, soul, and body would be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The reason Paul said this is because he knew that in order to "skip death and go outside of time with Jesus when He comes on the clouds, each person must be "spotless & blameless"...or..."fully sanctified". There can be no stain of sin, or demonic spirits in the person's soul, or unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, things like anger in their heart, false doctrines, man’s understanding….all of this must be dealt with, repented of and released before full sanctification can happen.


Our website which I will put below is chock full of immense amounts of information that will help you on the road to your full sanctification, in preparation of Jesus' Coming on the clouds. There is a page dedicated to the Heart Healing & Deliverance ministry - it explains everything you need to know to fully understand why that ministry is crucial. There is also a page called "The Bride & Three Waves of Glorification". This page on our site explains the Firstfruits 288,000, the two groups of 144,000 that will represent Jesus Fully God, and Jesus Fully Man. These are the warriors of light that Lord Jesus referred to in the His above Love Letter. And to clarify, it was according to God's Perfect Will & Plan, and according to each persons faith, obedience, and willingness to die to self completely, that these two groups of 144,000 (Firstfruits 288,000) have been chosen to change into their immortal and glorified bodies, in order to come back here, in their changed bodies, and help prepare the rest of the multitude church, for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This may sound very unorthodox compared to the way church land has taught many of you. But this is the "True" understanding and interpretation of many scriptures in the word of God. Just to quote some… Joel chapter 2, revelation chapters 7 and 14, and first Corinthians chapter 15. (I will go over these scriptures in the above video a bit more in detail)

There are many more scriptures, and there is so much more that I could explain to you, but I will leave you with our website that will be full of information that will help you understand everything that's happening now, and everything coming, as The Lord has revealed to us through His Written Word, His Rhema Word in our hearts, and through the body of Christ.

And as of the date of this post and video, 10/28/24, just know that until the two groups of 144,000 are changed (Transfigured & Transformed), we will be available to answer any questions or help anyone come to the Lord that has not taken the mark of the beast, and has not yet made the decision for Jesus Christ.


Here is our website, and our e-mail:

(Just click on any link on the top right)


***This particular page above will give you ALL the information that you need to understand the Two Witnesses, the Three Waves of Glory, Firstfruits, and the Multitude Church.


Grafted In The Vine:







© Grafted In The Vine 2022-2023

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