Heart Healing & Deliverance Testimonials!!

Submitted 9/8/22
We, my wife Erin and I, found Dan and Kathy a while back; some time after the “Jamba Juice” came out. We weren’t sure if it was the mark yet and started noticing YouTube beginning their rampage against those Christians who specifically called it for what it is. So, I started looking for other platforms. While looking for news, Brighteon came across my path.
Grafted In - Team Jesus 222…there it was. One of the top listed videos when searching for covid vax info was posted by them. Needless to say I was hooked. They fished me me in like Jesus said we would if we follow Him. Their words did and still do 'breathe' Truth because of their surrendered, crucified lives unto Christ. It’s not about, and has never been about them. Always Jesus, all the time. They challenged and still challenge us to this day.
I can’t remember which came first, probably emails, but Father would put crumbs on my path which I would throw their way. At the same time I found their chat room. Either way, warm welcome on both sides. We could tell they genuinely cared about us. At some point Kathy offered heart healing and deliverance ministry, without me asking. Father led me to accept.
For the record, up to this point I was saved in 2011, but it had been a rocky road. Lots of highs and even more lows. My relationship with Jesus was strong and growing at this time, but these guys were on another level. I’m not talking about I was in sin and they weren’t. There are levels in Jesus Christ. Grace upon grace, faith to faith, come up higher, etc. According to your faith, so be it unto you.
I came in very cautious. True saints, much less ministers of Christ, are rare gems. Kathy and Susan were there and ready to roll. They were even more Christlike behind closed doors. Pretty much instantly there was a peace beyond comprehension. Ministry hadn’t even started yet. I won’t go too deep into details, but I’ll share some bits.
There was a time I was in deep sin, like, I thought it was “point of no return” type sin; Father marvelously saved me, and for the most part I had forgiven myself. But there was shrapnel left behind. I remember seeing my younger self and Jesus was there. Jesus healed both my younger self and my current self, bringing a fractured heart back together. Then, the scene where the self-unforgiveness came up, I was truly able to completely forgive myself, and it all melted away forever. Dirtbags were annihilated. Jesus, His Love especially, became that much more real. For once, I knew I was truly walking in His saving Grace and sanctification.
Later I was invited to join the team. My walk with Jesus grew exponentially and is still growing at such a rate. Father hadn’t led me to type this up until now. Recently, there was another heart healing and deliverance session. My testimony on this part is short and sweet. Hidden roots were brought forth and dealt with, praise Jesus. Then, we all began to sink deeper into the Armor of Light, into Him. In my own experience, when The Lord comes around, things get harder to explain; and yet there's no confusion. There's a few ways I know that I know the Spirit of the Father has full-on come. One is His Holy Presence is thick and heavy, weighing on me, and yet He's holding me up, like I'm floating. Kind of like a weighted blanket; a light burden. And not one you want to come out from. Like a joey in momma's pouch, you want to stay. Which leads to another knowing, I get stuck. Not in a lack of control but as if Father is fueling the desire to stay put while being under complete spirit man-control. Sure I could leave, but why would I want to? Eternity has invaded the premises. Sometimes tears come, but they're rare. They did this time around. Father's voice also becomes more prominent, not louder though. It's still that soft, loving whisper of the Wind. All this was happening at once. The thought of the walls might start shaking crossed my mind (Quaker's were called precisely that because they were known for the walls quaking when they prayed).
Then, Kathy says what she's seeing: Jesus literally reaching into my very being and creating in me a clean heart, from the inside out. It felt like energy/electricity was flowing through me. Kathy said Father is answering all of my prayers at once. Without going into much detail, I've been in a sort of spiritual probation for a few years now. That is no longer the case. Other prayers I won't list here have been noticeably answered since. She said He saw all the times I cried; all the times I prayed small, nearly unintelligent prayers, He was there and they've been heard. Sock bombs everywhere. I'll sum it up with the words He personally gave me, "You passed the test." One of the most significant finals for an extremely important class before graduation: this understanding was given to me. All glory be to the Aleph and the Tav!
NOTE FROM KATHY: The humility that our brother Matt walks in, is really what's beyond comprehension. His faith and walk in Jesus Christ is something to be emulated...and the other night, when Susan and I were led to minister the second time to our brother, was no exception to this.
The Lord had led Susan and I to do a quick session with everyone on the team, because we are so close to going with Jesus, we just want to make sure that all doors are closed with everyone to the enemy, and that we are as ready as we possibly can be.
So we contacted Matt and of course he happily agreed. I have to say it was a true honor to be chosen by the Lord to minister to our brother that night. It began like any other time of ministry, we began to ask the Lord to reveal whatever there was that we needed to address with our brother. Some things came up that the Lord wanted us to talk about, some pretty deep things relating to the family lines. We were about ready to get started when the Lord began to give me some beautiful words of knowledge for Matt! And as the Holy Spirit spoke, tears begin to stream down my face. The Holy Spirit was so heavy on me I couldn't possibly explain to you how beautiful it was. And then the Lord gave our brother an amazing gift. Jesus spoke to me in the spirit and said "he doesn't have to walk through anything, I'm taking it all now." I literally had a vision of Jesus removing things from his heart, and miraculously (spiritually) healing it's completely. Again the tears began to stream down my face. I private messaged Susan to tell her and I asked her if she was getting confirmation of this, and she said a very strong "YES". I was completely in awe of God. So, as the tears are streaming down my face, I was typing this message to brother Matt, and explained to him that I have never, ever seen this type of miracle in heart healing and deliverance in the 22 years that I have been doing this. I have seen many miracles, every heart healing and deliverance session is an absolute gift and miracle from the Lord. They're all beautiful! But to watch him literally reach into someone's heart and finish the job completely, without walking through any steps that the Lord has taught me over the years, was just the most amazing honor to watch!
It was after this that the Lord spoke to me regarding Matt...The Lord said,"he has David's heart." And I knew exactly what he meant. Matt walks in love, humility, faith, and true repentance. This is what the Lord wants all of us emulate.
So Matt simply Illustrated his walk with God by allowing me to tell you about this miracle. We thank Jesus everyday for this little family of God we have on this team, and truly, truly, Matt is no exception. He and his wife are a beautiful example of true followers of Jesus Christ.

(submitted) 3/26/22
My testimony:
Hi everyone! I'm going to share my heart healing and deliverance testimony and I give all glory to Jesus!
When I got married in my early twenties, it was the start of 15 years of abuse by the person who was supposed to love and protect me the most. The betrayal, pain and brokenness that I would have to endure for the next 15 years caused my heart to shatter so badly and I didn't know what to do with myself. When kids came along, it was heart-wrenching to watch them also suffer abuse from their father. Along the way, family members gave worldly advice that did not help. I went to different churches searching for God and answers, only to be spurned by the people in the churches for trying to find a solution to my suffering. For years, I cried many tears and begged God to set me free from the suffering.
Halfway through the 15 years, Jesus gradually brought me to know Him in a personal relationship. Fast forward to Jan 2022, Jesus led me to contact Kathy on some questions that I had and He used this ministry to finally HEAL AND SET ME FREE! Kathy and Dan were kind and patient in ministering to me, and I know that Jesus was the One who healed my previously very broken heart and set me free. My heart's response to my wonderful Lord and Saviour is well-expressed in this song:
"It's all about You, Jesus
And all this is for You
For Your glory and Your fame
It's not about me
As if You should do things my way
You alone are God
And I surrender to Your ways
Jesus, lover of my soul
All consuming fire is in Your gaze
Jesus, I want You to know
I will follow You all my days
For no one else in history is like You
History itself belongs to You
Alpha and Omega, You have loved me
And I will share eternity with You."
Sending much love to both of you, Kathy and Dan.
~ Sylvia

(submitted) 3/23/22
My testimony is that after you prayed for me and did healing and deliverance I was delivered from abandonment issues and rejection issues. I no longer feel the anxiety or the stress or panic. I feel totally and completely set free. My brain doesn't even go there anymore. Because it was weird it was like I had no control over it it was just happened from various triggers. So that is my testimony that I am completely healed and set free and I don't suffer from this garbage anymore.

(submitted) 3/14/22
Heart Healing and Deliverance:
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is amazing! My God chose to love and protect me before I chose to love and cherish Him. He had, and has, a great plan for my life and all of His followers.
A part of Christ’s plan for me in my life was to come across videos of Dan and Kathy’s ministry and to learn of heart healing and deliverance. My experience was incredible! To walk through situations that I have moved on from, but have never healed from, was an eye opening experience. To have Jesus Christ there by my side holding and comforting me as He mended my deepest wounds was such and incredible experience!
The love of Jesus is so enormous; the way the Lord has chosen Dan and Kathy to fulfill their calling is inspirational! I’m so grateful to have a brother and sister in the body of Christ who are truly being fruitful for the kingdom of the most high. In my experience, the Lord lead, and Kathy guided, and I welcomed the process of Christ putting my heart back together. So beautiful! A gift from Jesus!
The process of heart healing and deliverance was never pushy and is always in perfect love. This process was such a blessing! I pray that my fellow brothers and sisters in Jesus will reach out and be humble and accepting of all that the Lord has in store for them! God bless!
-A sister in the Lord

(submitted) 3/11/22
Testimony from an NZ Sister In Christ
I had had “ministry” in my earlier years of my walk in Christ and had been set free only to go back to my original state (like a dog going back to it’s vomit). This I did not want to do, and did not understand why I kept falling back into sin. When seeking the Lord in 2021 on becoming mature and sanctified, He brought this matter to my attention, and wanting to be set free INDEED, but not being touched (as many more demons came in through the laying on of hands), the Lord lead me to Grafted In Team Jesus through their Brighteon Channel.
In the first ministry with Heart Healing & Deliverance on line, Kathy and Susan lead me back in time in my memories, having Jesus with me, (which was a new concept to me and one that at first I thought was crazy). He was able to walk me through the trauma and speak to me and comfort me IN THAT MOMENT which released me from the fragmentedness of my soul. AND THEN ALL the demons (dirt-bags I hear Kathy echo) attached to the soul wounds NO LONGER had any place to hide and they were evicted quickly WITHOUT EFFORT.
I waited a while to test the outcome of this ministering of my soul and found INDEED I had been set free, and all the current entanglements with others from my past no longer existed, as when they tried their usual pattern of behaviour with me, they and I found it nolonger worked.
When the Lord said I was ready for more ministry this year (2022) I did not hesitate to seek further ministry with the Heart Healing & Deliverance team online again. This time there was massive evictions (dissipations) of what I would call legion (much like “The Green Mile” movie scene of things coming out of my mouth. The Lord filled me to overflowing with His Peace. Peace like a river. All this was effortless and not draining on my physical body afterwards. I now have such an assuredness and stability of mind and heart that I know who I am in Christ (and so does the enemy and he shudders).
Thank you Kathy, Dan and the team who have been obedient to the call that God has placed on your hearts to minister to the captives, to set us free.

(submitted) 3/10/22
I can testify that I have been delivered from the bouts of my struggle with depression/anxiety/fear/worry through the process of heart healing. During the process it was very emotional but much needed for the place I was in in my life at the time. The instant relief and deliverance gave me the faith that I had been longing for and missing from my walk with the Father. I now can walk in my faith with the Holy Spirit protected with the full armor of God healed spiritually like never before. I still walk through the healing process being attacked by the enemy but with my new bond with God he is stronger than anything I am to face and I have my full trust in him and his guidance.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”
Psalms 119:105

(submitted) 3/10/22
UK Sister In Christ:
Ok. I can testify that I have been delivered from bouts of anger/ rage . I am still in the process of walking out my healing from infectious diseases. I have stopped taking meds for the STI, applying Psa103:3 , Isa53:5, and am continuing to build up my faith for HIV.
*KATHY SIDE NOTE: This beautiful sister is someone we've known through the ministry for a couple of
years now that has gotten ministry twice with Kathy, we have become wonderful friends and sisters in The Lord! Her heart was healed from childhood trauma, as well as being set free from anger and rage, as well as many others, and when we were done her face was visibly lit up with the Light of Jesus Christ! And as you can see, she is still growing and by faith she is walking out and holding onto her deliverance with Jesus!! Glory to God!!